
This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper

View the Project on GitHub online-judge-tools/verification-helper

Tool to set up automated verification CI by GitHub Actions


To set up automated verification


  1. (branch: )
  2. Open and click the green Commit new file button.
  3. Add C++ source files ending with .test.cpp and #define PROBLEM "https://..." added like example.test.cpp to the repository. (A link to add the example file to your repository)
  4. Confirm the result from the GitHub Actions page.
  5. (Additional) Add to (The badge will be added)

To set up automated documentation generator


  1. Set up the automated verification process.
  2. Follow the steps in Creating a personal access token for the command line - GitHub Help and generate a personal access token with the permission repo.
  3. Follow the steps in Creating and using encrypted secrets - GitHub Help and save the generated personal access token as a secret named GH_PAT.
  4. Push any commit, and wait for a while. (You are done when a commit in gh-pages branch has a green check mark.)
  5. Confirm the result from the GitHub Pages page.
  6. (Additional) Add to (The badge will be added)
  7. (Additional) Set the URL of documents to the repository description (see: How do you change a repository description on GitHub? - Stack Overflow)

(Note: even without this setting, the documentation will be generated and pushed to the gh-pages branch. However, because of limitations from GitHub Actions, GitHub Pages cannot be automatically updated. This can be mitigated by pushing an empty commit to trigger an update on GitHub Pages. This limitation is probably to prevent infinite loop from wrong settings in GitHub Actions.)