
This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper

View the Project on GitHub online-judge-tools/verification-helper

The reference of Online Judge Verification Helper


Supported languages


Language Available file extensions Pattern to detect test files How to specify attributes Features (verify / bundle / doc) Example file
C++ .cpp .hpp .test.cpp #define [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :heavy_check_mark: / :heavy_check_mark: segment_tree.range_sum_query.test.cpp
C# script .csx .test.csx // verification-helper: [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :x: / :heavy_check_mark: segment_tree.range_sum_query.test.csx
Nim .nim _test.nim # verification-helper: [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :x: / :heavy_check_mark: union_find_tree_yosupo_test.nim
Python 3 .py # verification-helper: [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :x: / :heavy_check_mark:
Haskell .hs .test.hs -- verification-helper: [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :x: / :warning: HelloWorld.test.hs
Ruby .rb .test.rb # verification-helper: [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :x: / :warning: hello_world.test.rb
Go .go .test.go // verification-helper: [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :x: / :warning: helloworld.test.go
Java .java // verification-helper: [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :x: / :warning:
Rust .rs special // verification-helper: [KEY] [VALUE] :heavy_check_mark: / :x: / :warning:

Settings for C++

You can specify compilers and options with writing .verify-helper/config.toml as below. If there are no settings, online-judge-verify-helper automatically detects compilers (g++ and clang++ if exists) and use recommended options.

CXX = "g++"

CXX = "clang++"
CXXFLAGS = ["-std=c++17", "-Wall", "-g", "-fsanitize=undefined", "-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG"]

Settings for C#

There is no config now. .NET Core is used as the compiler.

Settings for Nim

You can specify options and targets (e.g. c cpp) with writing .verify-helper/config.toml as below. If there is no settings, online-judge-verify-helper automatically use recommended options similar to options on AtCoder.

compile_to = "c"

compile_to = "cpp"
NIMFLAGS = ["--warning:on", "--opt:none"]

Settings for Python 3

There is no config now.

Settings for Rust

oj-verify uses root source files of binary targets or example targets (excluding targets which crate-type is specified) which have the PROBLEM attribute

You can customize the method to list depending files with languages.rust.list_dependencies_backend of .verify-helper/config.toml.

Settings for other languages

You can use languages other than above (e.g. AWK examples/awk/circle.test.awk). Please write commands to compile and execute in the config file .verify-helper/config.toml (e.g. .verify-helper/config.toml). compile field and execute field are required, and other fields are optional.

compile = "bash -c 'echo hello > {tempdir}/hello'"
execute = "env AWKPATH={basedir} awk -f {path}"
bundle = "false"
list_dependencies = "sed 's/^@include \"\\(.*\\)\"$/\\1/ ; t ; d' {path}"
verification_file_suffix = ".test.sed"

Automating the verification

Available judging platforms

Name Remarks
Library Checker  
Aizu Online Judge  
AtCoder You must set the DROPBOX_TOKEN environment variable. You can obtain the token by following the HINT message shown by $ oj d --system
yukicoder You must set the YUKICODER_TOKEN environment variable. See 「ログインしてないと使えない機能をAPIとして使いたい」 in ヘルプ - yukicoder and Creating and using encrypted secrets - GitHub Help.

Other judging platforms do not currently publish the test cases in usable forms, and so are not currently supported.

Available macro definitions

Macro name Description Remarks
PROBLEM specify the URL of the problem to submit required
IGNORE If this is defined in a file, the verification is skipped. You can use this in a scope like #ifdef __clang__ to ignore in a specific environment.
ERROR specify the absolute or relative error to be considered as correct  

Generating Documentation

Embedding Markdown to pages for source codes

Markdown files in the repository are automatically recognized. When the documentation_of field in Front Matter specifies a source code file, the content of Markdown file is inserted into the generated document page of specified code.

For example, to add description to a document of a file path/to/segment_tree.hpp, make a Markdown file like foo/ and write as the following in the file.

title: Segment Tree
documentation_of: ./path/to/segment_tree.hpp

## Description

In this file, ...

The documentation_of string is recognized as a relative path from the Markdown file when the string starts with ./ or ... The documentation_of string is recognized as a absolute path from the directory which has .verify-helper directory as the root when the string starts with //. The path should use / as directory separator be case-sensitive.

Embedding Markdown to the top page

Please make the file .verify-helper/docs/ and write Markdown there.

Local execution

Executing following commands, you can see generated documents locally at http://localhost:4000/.

$ bundle install --path .vendor/bundle
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

To do this, Ruby’s Bundler is required. If you are using Ubuntu, you can install this with sudo apt install ruby-bundler.
